Sophos Endpoint and Apple macOS 11 Big Sur

Our Endpoint Protection does not yet support macOS 11 (Big Sur). Please do not upgrade until we announce that we support it. We plan to have an Early Access Program (EAP) available soon so that you can test it on your own machines.
Apple will release macOS 11 on the 12th November, we plan to create an EAP in Central to test this release soon, but do not support it yet.

Central Device Encryption (CDE) for Mac version 1.5.3 does support macOS 11, this was rolled out recently but bear in mind that if you use both Endpoint and CDE you will still need to wait before upgrading to macOS 11.

On-premise customers will also get a version of endpoint protection that is supported on macOS 11 but will not have access to an EAP or Preview ahead of full support.

ARM-based CPUs are not currently supported. They require macOS 11 and additional testing and requirements. Sophos will support ARM-based CPUs, however, the details of that support will be provided at a later date.

Please check this KBA for up to date information:

Link to the Big Sur EAP on the Sophos Community

included info for Big Sur EAP
[edited by: FloSupport at 9:50 PM (GMT -8) on 2 Dec 2020]
  • Was expecting Sophos team to get their Test MAC devices upgraded to get Big Sur Beta/Developer version well ahead of public release.

    Not sure if this was done?

  • Krunal,

    We do realize how accustomed Apple users are to upgrading on Day 1 for any macOS/iOS update and strive for that support. Apart from the visual and security improvements Apple has touted on their website and announcements, macOS 11 radically changed the way 3rd party vendors interact with macOS. Specifically changing kernel-level access.

    Sophos has diligently worked with Apple since the first build of Big Sur, logging issues and preparing our products to support Big Sur. Our products need to work on macOS 10.x (where kernel access is allowed), macOS 11.x (where kernel access is no longer allowed) and at the quality that our customers expect.

    The Early Access Program (EAP) for Big Sur support will be available for testing next week (week commencing 23rd November) with an expected GA release in calendar Q1 2021.


  • I automatically upgraded to OS 11.0.1 before I discovered that Sophos doesn't support it. In the meantime you keep sending me the message: "You need to change your 'Security and Privacy' settings. Following that advice and changing my settings does absolutely nothing. So please fix the problem AND stop sending me these useless  and annoying messages until you do.

  • I was annoyed with these notifications as well. And if you are someone like me who has already updated and unable to go back, then this is what I did:

    To stop notifications, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Notifications

    Scroll down to Sophos Endpoint UI Server and disable notifications.

    I stopped all of them and now they won't show up. 

    I understand this may not be recommended but still better than dismissing that annoying alert that keeps showing up all day every few seconds. Hope this helps!

  • I was annoyed with these notifications as well. And if you are someone like me who has already updated and unable to go back, then this is what I did:

    To stop notifications, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Notifications

    Scroll down to Sophos Endpoint UI Server and disable notifications.

    I stopped all of them and now they won't show up. 

    I understand this may not be recommended but still better than dismissing that annoying alert that keeps showing up all day every few seconds. Hope this helps!

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