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Exploit APCViolation - Executables including "SophosClean.exe"

In case anyone else runs into this and is looking for answers. Since 8:00pm CST on 1-12-2018 we are receiving "APCVoilation" alerts blocking all sorts of executables - explorer.exe, sophosclean.exe, svchost.exe...

According to support, this is caused by the recent update to help mitigate "... a very recent method of attack." For the machines that have this problem, roughly 100 out of 1000 machines, the only differentiator that I can tell is Netmotion VPN software. These machines are anywhere from usable with virus alert popups in the corner, to unusable with explorer constantly crashing and restarting.

I will update this when we have the issue resolved.

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  • We too have been battling this issue all day today.  They say they have fixed the problem, but computers that use Netmotion are unable to access the Internet to get the update.  We have found that removing the current version of Mobility and installing the newest version fixes the issue.

  • Tony - thanks for the tip!  What version was installed, what version did you go to?  We are currently on 10.72.56065 (apologies went off memory, this is the corrected version number) - we did not try updating versions, but in our case, thankfully we did not need to.


    Also - see my reply above, you may want to try pushing the key I mentioned and rebooting.  That was all we needed to get them back online.

  • Tony - thanks for the tip!  What version was installed, what version did you go to?  We are currently on 10.72.56065 (apologies went off memory, this is the corrected version number) - we did not try updating versions, but in our case, thankfully we did not need to.


    Also - see my reply above, you may want to try pushing the key I mentioned and rebooting.  That was all we needed to get them back online.
