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Sophos Endpoint & InterceptX - causing Internet Explorer to crash


My company have recently pushed out Sophos Endpoint version 11.5.4 along with InterceptX to a large number of Windows 7 (64bit) computers. The deployment largely went well, but since the installation, we've had a surge of users reporting issues with Internet Explorer crashing or behaving erratically...


Having checked the event logs from a couple of computers these symptoms have been reported on - there appears to be similar errors as below:

"The program IEXPLORE.EXE version 11.0.9600.18618 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
Process ID: 1c98
Start Time: 01d2c4b4f9457e62
Termination Time: 16
Application Path: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE
Report Id: 6978f697-30b7-11e7-89cd-ac162d110386"


Having uninstalled Sophos from two of these machines and asked the users to monitor IE behaviour for a couple of days - they no longer had these issues. Has anyone else had similar problems and if so, what did you do to fix?


Thank you for any assistance anyone can provide.

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  • Same Issue on my private (and Business) machine.
    A new installed Windows 10 Machines (up to date).
    Only the InterceptX installed.

    After this: not possible to open PDF, Word, Excel... also some hangs on online gaming.
    Removed Intercept-X all was fine.

    No reports in Sophos Central, no Logs to find why Word (for example) is blocked. NO "action" in Intercept X.
    Downloades the Testfile: oh... there is a message! Nice, it works. But not for Standardprograms?

    The only way i found was to use the Configuration in Sophos Central: Exploit Mitigation Exclusions

    But(!): this is a global configuration, for ALL Clients? Really?
    And my questin is: when i use this exception, the whole protection is disabled for all Word Applications in my environment?
    No, i can't believe it. But i found no better configuration.

    Is there no way to exclude only ONE File (Java App) for ONE Computer?

    Sorry... thats not practicable..

  • Sorry to butt in here..... Sophos endpoint & intercept X. Is this the "exploit protection" that is in Sophos enterprise console or both individual products?

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