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The installer package is out of date - KB 122157

My company deploys Sophos via SCCM.  We originally set this up approximately 90 days ago.  Earlier this week when trying to deploy to new workstations, our service desk was met with the "Installation cannot continue" error.

We went out and downloaded the installer package again, replaced the source files in SCCM and that seemed to fix it.  It wasn't until we looked up the KB listed (122157) that we discovered that apparently this is a routine maintenance thing? 

Two things on this, it's very easy to fix if you have access to SCCM source files and you're deploying it via an application (not a package) in SCCM.

It's frustrating that we weren't informed of this maintenance up front.  Had we known, we would have not interrupted new pc image/rollout because of something like this.  It really ought to be a highlight of the onboarding with Sophos Central, IMO.

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  • I agree with CharmingYeti. It have to be written with BOLD CHARACTERS on FIRST page.

    But, it is possible to automate download of actual version of installer? Through some API, PowerShell, SSH, FTPS or in any way?

    I count this as one of big disadvantage of Sophos Antivirus Product.

  • If you log in to Central, take a copy of the download installer url(s), you can download the file unauthenticated.

    So you could use wget, Powershell (Invoke-WebRequest) pretty easily to pull the file(s) down.



  • Hi Jak,


    Thank you for your answer.

    I think that it can be useful to have this mentioned (that download is possible unauthorized inside Authorized pages) in manuals or help. Please close this discussion.

  • I copied an installer URL and confirmed that I can download the installer without being authenticated, however I'm concerned with how often these links change. Does anyone on this thread have any idea how often Sophos changes this link? Could you tell me how long you've been using the link you have for SCCM?

  • I copied an installer URL and confirmed that I can download the installer without being authenticated, however I'm concerned with how often these links change. Does anyone on this thread have any idea how often Sophos changes this link? Could you tell me how long you've been using the link you have for SCCM?

  • We have small script in Powershell and copy NEW installer every two weeks.

    The URL have to be recorded from authenticated Sophos central

    If it helps:

    $Log = "e:\Logs\Sophos_download.log"
    # echo "start" >> $Log
    $source =  ""
    $destination = "c:\Your_destination\SophosInstall.exe"
    $DestinationNew = "SophosInstall-InterceptX.exe"

    # echo "variables" >> $Log
    $client = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    $client.DownloadFile($source, $destination)

    # echo "after download" >> $Log
    # Remove .bak, copy old .exe to .bak, copy new to .exe

    $DestPath = Split-path $destination
    cd $DestPath
    $DestFile = Split-path $destination -Leaf
    $DestinationBak = $DestinationNew.Split(".")[0] + ".bak"

    #echo "before rename" >> $Log

    If (Test-Path "$DestinationBak"){  
     del "$DestinationBak"
    ren "$DestinationNew" "$DestinationBak"
    ren "$destination" "$DestinationNew"

  • This script is great! Thanks! My main question was, do you ever have to change that URL? Or has it been valid for months? Some of the Helpdesk folks that need to download the app don't have access to the Sophos console and I don't want to worry about the link expiring every few months.

  • No.

    I used this script more then one year without any changes.