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Failed to install component(s): hmpa64

####Sophos HitmanPro Alert Initial install log 20231115T013935

2023-11-15T01:39:40.6403111Z ERROR : SetupPluginCommand::onRun() failed with ComponentInstaller::InstallError: Failed to install component(s): hmpa64
2023-11-15T01:39:40.6403111Z INFO : Extracting CRT result from: C:\\Users\\JIMING~1.ZHO\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\TelemetryConfig.json
2023-11-15T01:39:40.6403111Z INFO : Command 'SetupPlugin' completed with failure with reboot code '0' and error message '无法安装软件'.
2023-11-15T01:39:40.6403111Z ERROR : Installation failed.
2023-11-15T01:39:40.6403111Z INFO : Sending HTTP 'POST' request to: sophos/management/ep/install/events/endpoint/73570dca-c0c9-c45d-bb16-ec1e98f5ac49
2023-11-15T01:39:40.6403111Z INFO : Did not discover an URL for a PAC file
2023-11-15T01:39:40.6403111Z INFO : Attempting to connect using proxy '' of type 'Empty Proxy'.
2023-11-15T01:39:40.6403111Z INFO : Set security protocol: 00000800

###Sophos HitmanPro Alert Initial install log 20231115T013935

a 2023-11-15 01:39:35.956 [10752:7796] - Beginning install
a 2023-11-15 01:39:35.977 [10752:7796] - Executing step "Validate it is NextGen endpoint"
a 2023-11-15 01:39:35.977 [10752:7796] - Executing step "Validate the user is an admin"
a 2023-11-15 01:39:35.977 [10752:7796] - Executing step "Validate that driver verifier is NOT enabled for HMPA."
a 2023-11-15 01:39:35.977 [10752:7796] - Executing step "Validate that HMPA is not pending reboot"
w 2023-11-15 01:39:35.978 [10752:7796] - Validation failed
a 2023-11-15 01:39:35.978 [10752:7796] - Reboot required by execute step "Validate that HMPA is not pending reboot"
w 2023-11-15 01:39:35.978 [10752:7796] - Failed step "Validate that HMPA is not pending reboot", rolling back previous steps
a 2023-11-15 01:39:35.978 [10752:7796] - Rolling back step "Validate that driver verifier is NOT enabled for HMPA."
a 2023-11-15 01:39:35.978 [10752:7796] - Rolling back step "Validate the user is an admin"
a 2023-11-15 01:39:35.978 [10752:7796] - Rolling back step "Validate it is NextGen endpoint"
w 2023-11-15 01:39:35.978 [10752:7796] - Failed composite step
e 2023-11-15 01:39:35.978 [10752:7796] - A reboot is required before the installation can proceed

UP time < 1 hour

:\Windows\system32>net statistics workstation
\\FILE-SERVER 的工作站统计数据

统计数据开始于 2023-11-15 9:05:52


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