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Installation of sme64 failed: general error


Can I get an advice what shall I try next on resolving the problem of installation of Endpoint protection on users PC.

The main problem is error:

Last Agent Update - 23 days ago - Update Failed

I had tried reinstalling an Sophos Endpoint protection multiple times but same error occurs at the end of installation  "Failed to install ESH64: general error."

I had checked all log files and searched on google for same problems, there was some suggestions to check some registry values and I did but it didn't help. There was also some suggestions for checking PC's services but same result. 

Sophos UI log - last part

2022-09-27T14:10:42.106Z [ 9200: 1668] I Launching UI in session 1: 5772
2022-09-27T14:10:42.106Z [ 9200: 1668] I Sophos UI Installer completed successfully.
2022-09-27T14:10:42.106Z [ 9200: 1668] I Succeeded: Sophos UI Installer
2022-09-27T14:10:42.107Z [ 9200: 1668] I Action was successful; reboot is not required
2022-09-27T14:10:42.107Z [ 9200: 1668] I End product setup

Only error I had came across is this:

Sophos Endpoint Self Help Install log

setup::MsiInstaller::install: New version: {4EFCDD15-24A2-4D89-84A4-857D1BF68FA8}, version: 3.2.339.0
setup::`anonymous-namespace'::getMsiInformationFromProductCode: ERR: 1612 Failed to open product: {4EFCDD15-24A2-4D89-84A4-857D1BF68FA8}
setup::MsiInstaller::install: Install failed: MsiOpenProductW failed: The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.
EshSetup::setResult: installation failed
EshSetup::InstUninstEntry: Installed in: C:\Program Files\Sophos\Endpoint Self Help\
FileOperations::CopyFileForcefully: Copying file 'C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Cache\decoded\esh64\Configuration\CustomConfig.json' to 'C:\Program Files\Sophos\Endpoint Self Help\Configuration\CustomConfig.json'
EshSetup::InstallConfig: Successfully copied config file
FileOperations::DeleteDirectoryForcefully: Attempt to delete 'C:\Program Files\Sophos\Endpoint Self Help\Rules'
FileOperations::CopyDirForcefully: Copying dir 'C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Cache\decoded\esh64\rules' to 'C:\Program Files\Sophos\Endpoint Self Help\Rules'
EshSetup::InstallRules: Successfully installed rules dir

and in SophosUpdate.log

2022-09-28T07:17:25.968Z [ 4772: 8352] I Successfully established interface IProductSetup2.
2022-09-28T07:17:27.169Z [ 4772: 8352] I Reboot state: 0
2022-09-28T07:17:27.169Z [ 4772: 8352] W Failed to install product 7F682906-6E49-481B-89C5-2DCA36720F4F.
2022-09-28T07:17:27.180Z [ 6076: 4944] E su-setup: exit 1

So please any advice what should I try next is appreciated

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  • I was able to find the same error mentioned in the following article. 
    - RESOLVED Advisory: Sophos Central Windows devices - Sophos ML Engine installation failure

    You can also try using the following commands to see if this will perform the necessary certificate installation for you. 

    mkdir C:\digicerttemp

    cd C:\digicerttemp

    certutil.exe -urlcache -f C:\digicerttemp\DigiCertTrustedRootG4.crt

    certutil.exe -addstore root C:\digicerttemp\DigiCertTrustedRootG4.crt

    cd \

    rmdir digicerttemp /S /Q

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Hello,

    I was also able to find the solution You have mentioned, but that was not the same problem:

    2022-09-27T16:10:44 wWinMain: Command line: "C:\Program Files\Sophos\Sophos ML Engine\ML1\telemetry\16642859911287214"
    2022-09-27T16:10:44 `anonymous-namespace'::Startup: Successfully set search path using standard approach.
    2022-09-27T16:10:44 Validate: Validate using standard approach (no models.json was found)
    2022-09-27T16:10:44 ValidateData: Sucessfully validated "C:\\Program Files\\Sophos\\Sophos ML Engine\\ML1\\telemetry\\16642859911287214\\model.dat"
    2022-09-27T16:10:44 wWinMain: Validation succeeded

  • Hi Adis, 

    Please would you be able to upload the sophosupdate.log here so that we can get an idea of what's happening to the update?

    The endpoint self-help is the one that is failing. It must be the registry artefacts. We can find out things in the logs. 

    Ismail Jaweed Ahmed (Ismail) 
    Senior Professional Service Engineer

  • Also, If you can run the below PowerShell code

    $global:productNames = @("*sophos*")
    $global:UninstallKeys = @('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall',
    $global:results = 
    foreach ($global:key in (Get-ChildItem $UninstallKeys)){
    foreach ($product in $productNames){
    if ($key.GetValue("DisplayName") -like "$product"){
      DisplayName = $key.GetValue("DisplayName");
      KeyName = $key.Name.split('\')[-1];
      UninstallString = $key.GetValue("UninstallString");
      }}}};$results | Format-Table
    , we can identify the uninstall strings for the components and then narrow down the failing component,

    Ismail Jaweed Ahmed (Ismail) 
    Senior Professional Service Engineer

  • Also, If you can run the below PowerShell code

    $global:productNames = @("*sophos*")
    $global:UninstallKeys = @('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall',
    $global:results = 
    foreach ($global:key in (Get-ChildItem $UninstallKeys)){
    foreach ($product in $productNames){
    if ($key.GetValue("DisplayName") -like "$product"){
      DisplayName = $key.GetValue("DisplayName");
      KeyName = $key.Name.split('\')[-1];
      UninstallString = $key.GetValue("UninstallString");
      }}}};$results | Format-Table
    , we can identify the uninstall strings for the components and then narrow down the failing component,

    Ismail Jaweed Ahmed (Ismail) 
    Senior Professional Service Engineer

  • Did try to run this power shell but there was an error in command:
    At line:1 char:38 + $global:productNames = @("*sophos*") $global:UninstallKeys = @('HKLM: ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unexpected token '$global:UninstallKeys' in expression or statement. At line:1 char:199 + ... Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall' ) $global:results = forea ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unexpected token '$global:results' in expression or statement. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken

  • Please feel free to DM me. Together we can sort this out.

    Ismail Jaweed Ahmed (Ismail) 
    Senior Professional Service Engineer