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Multiple computers getting netio.sys BSOD after 2022.2.1.9 update

We're having an outbreak of DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSOD's in driver NETIO.SYS. Netio.sys caused BSOD's are usually tied to network drivers but that doesn't make sense because this started happening all of a sudden on multiple computers. These are fully patched/updated Windows 10 Pro computers. The common thing we're seeing is Sophos was updated to version 2022.2.1.9 around 7/20/22 on all of them. Any insight from Sophos on if the blue screen of death crashes are being caused by the latest version of Sophos? 

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  • Yeah, we ended up providing three full dumps from two different machines. The last dump was after enabling the full "workaround" for all affected machines...

    Anyway today the test driver was rolled out to the first machine and the workaround was disabled for it. Now we will have to wait and see...

  • Quick update: The results from our testing look promising. The two machines that we are testing the patch on each experienced 4 BSODs in a 3 day period two weeks ago, before enabling the workaround for affected users.

    In the last 3 days those two machines produced zero regular BSODs (with the workaround disabled for them, of course).

    Unfortunately one machine still had a single BSOD, but after the reboot a pending windows update was installed, and current assumption with Sophos support agent is that background installation of the windows update might have removed the "manually deployed" patched driver - that is, the patched driver might not have been active at that point.

    Anyway even if the driver was active, 1 instead of 8 BSODs in a given time frame sounds like a substantial improvement.

  • Hello

    Any update with this testing this patch? 

  • Not a single BSOD on the two test machines ever since. Other than on unpatched machines... Had to move more users into the BSOD-Mitigation group today.

    Our case was seemingly escalated to the "GES" team yesterday morning. Now we're just waiting for feedback.

  • Hey Samuel,

    How have things been going for you with testing? I havent had a chance to do anything other than company-wide implement the "official" workaround and we are still getting occasional BSODs. Not really happy with this whole experience.

  • We kept our two test users on the test driver and we have not seen any adverse effects.

    We got one more netio.sys BSOD for one of those users - but the manually installed test driver seems to get disabled by system protection particularly when Windows updates are being installed, which was the case then -  so that is not necessarily significant. In total we got 2 netio.sys BSODs for two machines since we started testing. The driver is now in daily production use for 37 days for those users, and they used to get anything from 5-10 BSODs per week without the fix.

    Last update I got from a "Global Escalation Engineer" (after asking back myself again, of course...):

    Thank you for the email. The October release has now been rescheduled for a planned release, on November the 10th 2022.

    But of course also some expectation management:

    ... this is the planned date and can be pulled at the very last minute.

    So I keep my fingers crossed that Sophos manages to get this shipped "soon".