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"ssl_error_bad_mac_alert" "PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR"

Good morning, 

since we enrolled Sophos Central Endpoint protection we got the Problem, that sometimes, we get these Errors as Mentioned above.


if the User waits 5 Minutes and tries to connect the Website again, everything is working fine.

Any ideas?

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Ryaco,

    we have the same Problem, every 5 Minutues we can't access Google seach, Gmail an Youtube.

    our solution is to disable "Block access to malicious websites" under "Real-time Scanning - Internet"

    But i think this is not the best solution.

    I think the Problem is also not the Firewall because our Firewall is a Sophos UTM and everything works fine before i installed Intercept X Advanced with XDR .
