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Sophos Endpoint Installer - Installation failed. Could not download software.

We have attempted to re-install Sophos on one of our endpoints, but during the install process, it fails saying it could not download the software.

I have cleared out the files under \ProgramData\Sophos, run sfc /scannow and cleared out old/duplicate enteries in Sophos Central admin for that PC in question.

The logs from the cloudinstaller folder are here:

Any ideas what is causing the issue?



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  • I agree, based on these lines:

    1. 2020-10-26T10:35:28.2876896Z INFO : SUL info: [I40394] Downloading customer file from sophos:1:1

    2. 2020-10-26T10:35:28.2886498Z INFO : SUL info: [V81533] SU::createCachedPackageSource about to create cached package source for sophos:1:1, url=sophos

    3. 2020-10-26T10:35:28.2886498Z INFO : SUL info: [V81533] SU::createCachedPackageSource creating root package source for location:, path: 9/d3/9d3a3f1f8c75a36e5f1bfbbffb3a9c35.dat

    4. 2020-10-26T10:35:28.3181962Z WARNING : SUL error: [E32429] XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING

    This file in question is your customer file, the customer file, which it being downloaded is a unique file for your account. 

    It's not valid XML because of the certificates at the end but I did download the above file, remove the certificates and it all appears valid. 

    I might be tempted to download the file on the failing computer and maybe on a working computer and compare the two files, even if you just run from a PS command prompt, i.e.:

    wget -outfile C:\cf.xml
    Get-FileHash C:\cf.xml

    Maybe also open the file in Notepad, in the status-bar it should be UTF-8.



  • HI,

    Thanks for the sugestions. Unfortunately, after attempting all of those, and making sure the pc in question can download the customer file (it is UTF-8), Sophos is still not installing. We have decided it is going to be quicker to re-build the computer in question.

    Thanks for your help.
