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Installing sophos central endpoint on windows xp failed

I'm trying to install sophos central endpoint in windows XP but as I see in the log it does not connect to perform the download. As far as I could find out on the web, it's a problem with TLS 1.2, which is not supported by Windows XP.

Is there any way to enable TLS 1.2?
Can you confirm if this is so?

This is the installation log:

Started C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\sfl-7c973100\Setup.exe
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Stage 1 command-line options:
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : ---
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Quiet mode on: 0
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Automatic Proxy detection disabled: 0
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : No feedback mode on: 0
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Dump feedback enabled: 0
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Bypass competitor removal: 0
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Using CRT catalog file path: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Only register endpoint with Central: 0
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Log messages between endpoint and Central: 0
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Log command-line passed to executables: 0
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Using custom server: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Using custom stage 2 filename: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Using cloud user: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Using cloud group: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Overriding computer name: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Overriding computer description: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Overriding domain name: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Language will be set to: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Using message relays: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Proxy address: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Proxy user name: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Using custom customer token: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Using specified products: --
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : Using certificates from the MCS app data folder: 0
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6562500Z INFO : ---
2019-03-19T20:01:10.6718750Z INFO : Sending HTTP 'GET' request to: full/central/windows/business/installer/latest.tar.gz
2019-03-19T20:01:13.0937500Z WARNING : WinHttpGetProxyForUrl returned: 12180
2019-03-19T20:01:13.0937500Z INFO : Attempting to connect using proxy '' of type 'Empty Proxy'.
2019-03-19T20:01:13.0937500Z INFO : Set security protocol: 00000080
2019-03-19T20:01:13.0937500Z INFO : Opening connection to
2019-03-19T20:01:13.0937500Z INFO : Request content size: 0
2019-03-19T20:01:13.5000000Z ERROR : WinHttpSendRequest failed with error 2148074278
2019-03-19T20:01:13.5156250Z INFO : Failed to connect using proxy '' with error: WinHttpSendRequest failed
2019-03-19T20:01:13.5156250Z INFO : Cleaning up extracted files
2019-03-19T20:01:15.4687500Z INFO : FindMainWindow: pid=0
2019-03-19T20:01:15.4687500Z ERROR : Exception: Failed to download stage-2 archive. Status code: --: Failed to connect with any proxy

This is the windows XP version:



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  • Hello mariano doque,

    as you asked about an XP trial yesterday - is this the general installer you've used or (I assume there is one - I'm neither using Central nor Extended Support) one specifically for XP?


  • Hello mariano doque,

    as you asked about an XP trial yesterday - is this the general installer you've used or (I assume there is one - I'm neither using Central nor Extended Support) one specifically for XP?


  • Hi QC,
    I am a partner and I already have my Sophos Central Intercept X advanced licenses, the problem is that I want to do an installation in a windows XP because a client has a lot of these OS.
    But my question is because the installation fails? since the log does not indicate that the OS is not supported, but can not connect.

    I do not know if there is a specific installer for XP, I'm using the general installer.

    As always, thanks for your reply


  • Hi Mariano,


    the XP for Central has an extra installer.




     XG135 home + APX320

  • Hello Poldy,

    So it is not possible to install Central Endpoint without having the extended support for XP?

    Can the sophos central installer be downloaded using TLS 1.2? or can it be done in another way?


  • Hello mariano doque,

    what would be the purpose of an installer that installs a product that subsequently fails to update? And who would license Extended Support if updating would work or you could work around XP's restrictions?   

    General support for XP has been retired quite some time ago. And nota bene we're talking about support by Sophos for this platform - Microsoft's Mainstream and Extended support ended ten and five years ago respectively. That the installer doesn't quit with a nice message is perhaps deliberate - to stress that XP should already be gone for good.


  • Hi QC,

    As always, thanks for your response.
    I just need to try it because there is a client of ours who has several XP and before I got it I needed to try it. But it seems that without extended support this is not possible.

    I will look for an alternative for my client.

    thank you

  • Hello mariano doque,

    without extended support this is not possible
    I've seen with the on-premise SESC that Sophos finally took the gloves off a few months ago. AutoUpdate on an XP computer kinda self-destructs when it touches a download location with a current SAV version, installers that work on XP have been withdrawn and for a much longer time the available versions could no longer be used for a fresh install.

    BTW - I hope your client will replace XP with at least Windows 10 as Extended support for Windows 7 ends next January. Fortunately my 14-year-old desktop's motherboard sadly stopped working next to last year otherwise ... 
