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Policy non-compliance: Network Threat Protection

So suddenly overnight we now have 20+ endpoints that are all reporting "Policy non-compliance:  Network Threat Protection" and the NTP service is showing as not running on all those.  Anyone else see this or have some insight as to why this would suddenly happen?

I'll need to look into it a bit further, but the only change I know of is we pushed out Windows 10 1803 to a bunch of computers last night.

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  • You may run into issues if you have Tamper Protection enabled and try to uninstall.

    It the device gets removed from Central with Tamper Protection still enabled, you have to boot the computer into Safe Mode and edit registry keys to be able to uninstall Sophos Central at that point.



    The script for fixing the services not starting still has a manual step involved, you have to disable tamper protection manually from Sophos Central, unless you run with it off then it should work for you without that step.


    Could use this function that I have in my PowerShell profile.


    function Set-SophosServices {
        param ($Computer)
        Get-Service -ComputerName $Computer -DisplayName "Sophos*" | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"} | Start-Service



    Command would be as follows:


    Set-SophosServices -computer "nameofcomputer"


    Usually I get an error for one service, I think it's the web intelligence service, but it all comes up in a minute

  • I disabled tamper protection and tried the script, but still get this error:


    Start-Service : Service 'Sophos Network Threat Protection (SntpService)' cannot be started due to the following error:
    Cannot start service SntpService on computer 'CSS039677M'.
    At line:3 char:107
    + ... me "Sophos*" | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"} | Start-Service
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : OpenError: (System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController:ServiceController) [Start-Service],
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CouldNotStartService,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartServiceCommand

  • Josh,


    Yes, that is the one service that causes an that error.

    Did the computer have it's services start back up after and report as green in Central after a minute or so?
    I get the same result, but everything runs fine.

  • Nick Cuddemi said:


    Did the computer have it's services start back up after and report as green in Central after a minute or so?
    I get the same result, but everything runs fine.



    Nope, currently sitting with 33 endpoints with a "Policy non-compliance: Network Threat Protection" status alert.  I let them sit over the weekend hoping maybe it would fix itself (as oftentimes happens with Sophos issues), but the same ones are still there.  I have submitted a ticket with Sophos Support, just waiting for them to get back to me.

  • After running the script or even manually starting the services I mean.


    I have to check every morning for stopped services.

    I reached out to Sophos about this, and they suggested changing the start from automatic to delayed.

    Also, you won't get emails when they stop as that was changed for alerting back in June or July of 2018.

    I got an email yesterday from them about that as I had stopped receiving alerts, so if you need to check for stopped services, it must be done manually, unless you monitor that with a script/ third party.


    Let me know what Sophos says about the issue

  • Got an answer from Sophos Support and quite frankly, it's a complete cop out on their part.  Basically they're blaming "the nature of how Windows 10 updates" for sometimes causing their services to "get stuck".  Nothing in the email about their devs looking into the issue, just that reinstalling Sophos Endpoint is the only fix.  Based on our numbers so far, every time we do a major Win10 version update we'll have to go reinstall Sophos on around 15% of the endpoints.  

  • Hi,

    On a computer where the "Sophos Network Threat Protection" service is failing, does it help to create the DWORD registry value LogLevel under:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sophos\Sophos Network Threat Protection\Application\

    and set it to 4.

    When you then try and start the service, does the log file:

    C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Sophos Network Threat Protection\Logs\SntpService.log

    throw any light on why it's failing?

    Can you attach it?

    Maybe also confirm the output of the following command in a Admin Prompt:
    sc.exe queryex sntp
