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Not started: Sophos EDR Agent

Hello All,

I have Sophos new EDR service in our environment but recently I've seen a handful of workstations with the Sophos EDR agent not started. Usually I know that I can start any service by doing a MMC and using the Snap-in of "Services" to remotely turn any service on. However I am not able to locate this specific service for "Sophos EDR agent". So I'm here reaching out to anyone having this same issue and if you can assist on how to turn Sophos EDR agent back on, I would appreciate the help!

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  • Hey badrobot,


    I was able to review that KB you provided, and just like you I do not see EDR anywhere. I also thought that it could be running under another service but once auditing the service list, I wasn't able to determine any service that could of been running the EDR agent.


    Thanks for your suggestion!