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Available command line switches for Sophos Central for Mac OSX


We are trialling Sophos Central on our Windows and Mac OSX end-points, and are seeing inconsistency over the command line install options between the two platforms.

Now, before anyone gets back to me asking if I have or could look at some Sophos Knowledge base articles, I am fully aware of the following and have read them:

* Sophos deployment methods: 
* How to deploy Sophos endpoint for Mac: 
* Installer command line options: 

What I would like to know is if the following 3 switches are supported for the Mac OSX installer from Central, and if they're are NOT supported for Mac OSX, how do we achieve the same AUTOMATED results using the Sophos Central installer for Mac OSX?

1) --quiet
2) --devicegroup=<Central group>
3) --products=<comma or semi-colon separated list of products>


At this moment in time, the Mac OSX installer seems to ignore all of the three switches above, resulting in us:


A) having to click install on the GUI to install the Mac OSX client

B) manually needing to add each Mac OSX end-point into the Sophos Computer group in Central

C) Having to download separate installer components on the Mac. Not the end of the world, but not the same flexibility as the Windows installer.





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  • Same issue.  When deployed through JAMF, it appeared to be a quiet install. (configuring for automated installs is a whole different issue).


    Really interested in the ability to place Macs in a group automatically.   Without rules on the cloud console where you can automate this after the install, then how about during an install?  Oh wait, it doesn't exist for Macs.


    We will see if that actually happens in 2019.


  • Same issue.  When deployed through JAMF, it appeared to be a quiet install. (configuring for automated installs is a whole different issue).


    Really interested in the ability to place Macs in a group automatically.   Without rules on the cloud console where you can automate this after the install, then how about during an install?  Oh wait, it doesn't exist for Macs.


    We will see if that actually happens in 2019.

