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[Sophos Notification] Intercept X with EDR Early Access Program Now Open!

Hi Community,

The best just got better. Sophos is pleased to announce that the Intercept X Advanced with EDR Early Access Program is now open.  The new Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) capabilities allow you to take charge of security incidents by answering the tough questions about an event, investigate with deep expertise, and respond with a click of a button.  The EAP is open to Central Endpoint Protection Intercept X customers, as well as trialists.

The key new capabilities being delivered in the Early Access Program are outlined in this blog post.


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  • Technical requirement

    Due to a change in how the endpoint agent monitors and then logs system changes, Sophos recommends that endpoints enrolled in the EDR Early Access Program have a minimum of 15GB of free hard disk space available.



    Regards, Jelle

    Sophos XG210-HA (SFOS 18.0.4) on SG210 appliances with Sandstorm and 1x AP55
    Sophos Central with Intercept X Advanced, Device Encryption, Phish Threat, Mobile Control Advanced

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  • Hey Jelle!

    As this is an Early Access, we haven't finished optimizing the product (functionality is the primary goal during Early Access). Rest assured, we'll be working on optimizing the journaling before General Availability.

    Also please feel free to join us in the Early Access Program forum if you'd like to discuss anything else about the EAP.

  • Hey Jelle!

    As this is an Early Access, we haven't finished optimizing the product (functionality is the primary goal during Early Access). Rest assured, we'll be working on optimizing the journaling before General Availability.

    Also please feel free to join us in the Early Access Program forum if you'd like to discuss anything else about the EAP.

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