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Sophos Central slowing down Chrome

Has anyone experienced Sophos Central causing Chrome to be extremely slow? Eventually the page will load but the only way around this is to keep the webpage open and then open up another tab to get it to be quicker. Have reinstalled Chrome and this has had no affect

We aren't using the Web Control either and this has been turned off

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  • There are a number of components of Sophos that could be related to what you're seeing.  The obvious ones that come to mind are:

    • HMPA
    • Web Protection/Control
    • Detours

    I would start by renaming the hmpalert.dll files (\windows\system32\ and \windows\syswow64\) and re-launch the browser process.  This will ensure that the browser processes do not get the hmpaalert.dll injected into them.  Does this help?

    The next test is the web protection / control component.  In order to inspect web traffic, traffic is redirected (on Windows 8.1+) via the swi_fc.exe process.  So you essentially have:
    Browser -> swi_fc.exe -> internet/web proxy.

    If you disable the 3 features that rely on this redirection/proxying of traffic, then the browser will not connect to swi_fc.exe. The 3 features are:

    1. Web Control (web control policy)
    2. Scan downloads in progress  (threat protection policy)
    3. Block access to malicious websites (threat protection policy)

    As a test: If you use a tool such as Process Explorer you can see under the TCP/IP tab the connections being made by the browser process either direct to the internet or upstream proxy or to swi_fc.exe over

    To disable detours, which is loaded into processes as they start, you can set LoadAppInit_DLLs to 0 under:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\wow6432node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\

    This prevents all of the DLLs listed in the AppInit_DLLs registry value to be loaded as a test.

    Identifying the component causing the issue is the first step.
