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URL White-listing in DLP

Basically I need to Block users from transferring any file to any destination however With the exceptions of

  1. Outlook
  2. Few Websites

Outlook can be allowed from Settings section, so it's no issue.

But if someone need to upload files to some particular website how come we accomplish that? Can we white-list  some particular URLs?

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  • Do you have any luck with it? wanted to do something similar

  • Hello freewill,

    DLP (actually on-access) intercepts file opens and if it's a monitored application (i.e. destination) that tries to access the file the request is permitted or blocked according to the rules. As this happens outside of the application DLP has no knowledge of the application's intention - in case of a browser neither whether it is indeed about to upload the file even less what the URL is. In terms of DLP a URL is not a destination, only the browser is - thus white-listing is not applicable.
