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Sophos Central - BSOD - Breaks RDP on Windows 7 32 bit machines



Recently Sophos Central started with all of our computers that run Windows 7 32 bit, having a BSOD on log off. As soon as a user logs off, it blue screens.

Also, when a user tries to log in via Citrix, they get "An internal error occured" Then the computer blue screens again.


These users have had Sophos Central installed for months, while using Citrix on days they are not in the building, without issues.

Recently I noticed Sophos Central Agent got updated, and that's when our issues started arising. This could be unrelated, but I am looking at this and it's the only thing that has changed.


After speaking with Sophos Support, I was told to disabled tamper protection globally, which I have, and the issues remain.


I have uninstalled Sophos Central from the troubled computers and they no longer have issues with Citrix or myself RDP'ing to these machines.


Wanted to give a PSA in case anyone else is having RDP/Citrix issues or random blue screens of death.



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  • In addition to this, we also have received a different blue screen of death on a 64 bit machine running Windows 7. 

    It stated "SophosED.sys" and had a different error code then the rest. 

    They are looking into this, but the advice was to also disable tamper protection globally.

  • In addition to this, we also have received a different blue screen of death on a 64 bit machine running Windows 7. 

    It stated "SophosED.sys" and had a different error code then the rest. 

    They are looking into this, but the advice was to also disable tamper protection globally.
