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Testing InterceptX 2.0 against Barkly malware simulation

I enabled the new InterceptX Threat Management features this morning in the Central Console. On my testing endpoint, I ran Barkly's credential theft simulator:

I was disappointed that InterceptX did not flag or stop the test. (It did stop the ransomware test successfully.)

I'm interested to learn if anyone else in the community can reproduce these results, or hopefully get better results. 


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  • There's a new "whats new" update this morning that indicates the "Active Adversary" (which includes cred theft) haven't been enabled yet, but should be soon. I thought they were already enabled, but guess not. You can turn them on manually now though or wait for Sophos to roll them out. 

  • This is how my policy is configured. I tried it applied to both my test user and my test machine.

    The Barkly test simulates accessing the credentials stored in LSASS.

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