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Multiple versions installed


After today updates, I can see that previous version is also installed. 

Central AV is acting normally. What should I check?



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  • The KBA suggests to open a ticket but it's all based on registry keys.

    If you run Process Monitor, with a filter for registry events and "Path" - "contains" -  "\installer\", you will see roughly what is happening.  For example, with the above filter in place and refreshing the "Installed Components" page, SophosDiag.exe is querying the keys under:


    So as an example, for the component "Sophos Endpoint", which exists under:


    This is referenced from the value under:

    REG_SZ - EA24592DC7824E24BA8283851EC3A1E3

    Therefore, I would suggest, search under 


    for "Sophos Anti-Virus" to find the SAV component.  E.g. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\55F6FAB44EFFA3A43876CCE2BBF0113C
    Then take the key name, e.g 55F6FAB44EFFA3A43876CCE2BBF0113C and search for it under: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\

    I suspect under a key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes\ you will find one pointing to 2 different "Products" keys for Sophos Anti-Virus.

    I assume you have the actually installed and this is the only version of Sophos Anti-Virus listed under: 

    You should be able to just delete the second value under the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes\XXXXXXX\ that points to the version that isn't installed, i.e. the 10.6.3 version.

