Under Review




cred_type string Types of credentials which were presented for delegation
description string Plugin description text
eventid int The Windows event ID
package string The name of Security Package which was used. Always CREDSSP for this event.
provider_name string The Windows event provider
source string The Windows event source
subject_domain string The domain or computer name for the account that reported the logon
subject_username string The account that reported the logon
target_server string SPN of the target service for which delegation was requested.
user_upn string UPN of the account for which delegation was requested.

-- windows_event_disallowed_credentials INFO
   -- Device ID DETAILS
   meta_hostname, meta_ip_address, 

   -- Query Details
   query_name, cred_type, description, eventid, package, provider_name,
   source, subject_domain, subject_username, target_server, user_upn,

   -- Decoration 
   meta_boot_time, meta_eid, meta_endpoint_type, 
   meta_ip_mask, meta_mac_address, meta_os_name, meta_os_platform, meta_os_type,
   meta_os_version, meta_public_ip, meta_query_pack_version, meta_username,

   --- Generic
   calendar_time, counter, epoch, host_identifier, numerics
   osquery_action, unix_time,

   -- Data Lake
   customer_id, endpoint_id, upload_size

FROM xdr_data
WHERE query_name = 'windows_event_disallowed_credentials'

So someone needs to test this, any takers want to and send me feedback?