Under Review


This collects the SHA256 and SHA1 has of launchd processes on LINUX and no I do not know why the scheduled query has an MD5 in the name seeing as we do not get the MD5 value. Slight smile


launchd has two main tasks. The first is to boot the system, and the second is to load and maintain services.


keep_alive string Should the process be restarted if killed
label string Daemon or agent service name
name string Name of the registry value entry
on_demand string Deprecated key, replaced by keep_alive
path string Full path to the value
process_type string Key describes the intended purpose of the job
program string Path to target program
program_arguments string Command line arguments passed to program
run_at_load string Should the program run on launch load
sha1 string SHA1 of the file now
sha256 string SHA256 of the file now

-- launchd_md5 INFO
   -- Device ID DETAILS
   meta_hostname, meta_ip_address, 

   -- Query Details
   query_name, keep_alive, label, name, on_demand,
   path, process_type, program, program_arguments, run_at_load,
   sha1, sha256

   -- Decoration 
   meta_boot_time, meta_eid, meta_endpoint_type, 
   meta_ip_mask, meta_mac_address, meta_os_name, meta_os_platform, meta_os_type,
   meta_os_version, meta_public_ip, meta_query_pack_version, meta_username,

   --- Generic
   calendar_time, counter, epoch, host_identifier, numerics
   osquery_action, unix_time,

   -- Data Lake
   customer_id, endpoint_id, upload_size

FROM xdr_data
WHERE query_name = 'launchd_md5'