Under Review


ioc_windows_registry_malware_sdbot this is a scheduled query to detect sdbot malware.


Sophos protection capabilities should be protecting you from this, but if you run a test environment and disable the protection capabilities than this IOC will notify you when the malware is present.


description string Plugin description text
event_time long The time (unix epoch) the value was set
event_type int The event type
key_name string The registry key path and name
sophos_pid string The process ID that produced the registry event and its start time creating a unique identifier
value string The stored registry value
value_name string The name of the value that was set
value_type string Static REG_BINARY

-- ioc_windows_registry_malware_sdbot INFO
   -- Device ID DETAILS
   meta_hostname, meta_ip_address, 

   -- Query Details
   query_name, description, event_time, event_type, key_name, sophos_pid,
   value, value_name, value_type,

   -- Decoration 
   meta_boot_time, meta_eid, meta_endpoint_type, 
   meta_ip_mask, meta_mac_address, meta_os_name, meta_os_platform, meta_os_type,
   meta_os_version, meta_public_ip, meta_query_pack_version, meta_username,

   --- Generic
   calendar_time, counter, epoch, host_identifier, numerics
   osquery_action, unix_time,

   -- Data Lake
   customer_id, endpoint_id, upload_size

FROM xdr_data
WHERE query_name = 'ioc_windows_registry_malware_sdbot'

Someone can test this but PLEASE only in a restricted environment the SDBot worm is very dangerous !!