Coming Soon

WE need someone to test this and give some feedback


Firefox addons from devices with that browser

If you do not have firefox on any devices like me then you will not have any data, if someone could test that would be great.


creator string Addon-supported creator string
description string Plugin description text
identifier string Plugin identifier
name string Name of the registry value entry
path string Full path to the value
source_url string URL that installed the addon
uid long The local user that owns the plugin
version string

Plugin short version

-- firefox_addons INFO
   -- Device ID DETAILS
   meta_hostname, meta_ip_address, 

   -- Query Details
   query_name, creator, description, identifier, name,
   path, source_url, uid, version,

   -- Decoration 
   meta_boot_time, meta_eid, meta_endpoint_type, 
   meta_ip_mask, meta_mac_address, meta_os_name, meta_os_platform, meta_os_type,
   meta_os_version, meta_public_ip, meta_query_pack_version, meta_username,

   --- Generic
   calendar_time, counter, epoch, host_identifier, numerics
   osquery_action, unix_time,

   -- Data Lake
   customer_id, endpoint_id, upload_size

FROM xdr_data
WHERE query_name = 'firefox_addons'