And that's a wrap for week 1! Thanks for being with us for the three sessions this week - we all really enjoyed delivering them and it was great to see so many of you active in the conversation.

Couple of resources we mentioned during the session

Anything else you need, please let me know in the comments, and we're looking forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday for session 4. 

Have a great weekend all!

  • We really appreciate the Rapid Response queries you've made publicly available via GitHub. I started to enter them into my own Live Discover environment, but it's time-consuming and there are currently 97 txt files in that repository! 

    It also seems like they're already loaded in Sophos Central but hidden (I suppose because we don't yet have MTR), since the editor tells me those query names are all taken and I have to alter them slightly in order to save.

    Since you've based this training off of those queries, and they're already publicly available, could you unhide those queries for all XDR customers to save us the effort?

  • We really appreciate the Rapid Response queries you've made publicly available via GitHub. I started to enter them into my own Live Discover environment, but it's time-consuming and there are currently 97 txt files in that repository! 

    It also seems like they're already loaded in Sophos Central but hidden (I suppose because we don't yet have MTR), since the editor tells me those query names are all taken and I have to alter them slightly in order to save.

    Since you've based this training off of those queries, and they're already publicly available, could you unhide those queries for all XDR customers to save us the effort?
