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Could not connect to primary server.

Have had this on two devices this morning both IMac and Mac Book both running OS X 10.10.5  Just get a shield with a cross in the middle.  Can anyone help please - are the Sophos servers down.



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  • Our operations team is aware of an issue with our content delivery service, and working hard to resolve. This is specific to users in the UK, and we hope it will be resolved soon.

    Note that version 9.4 improves the robustness of updating. If you aren't yet running it, please upgrade

    Edit: yeah that sounds dumb, apologies, I know its hard to upgrade to 9.4 if you can't upgrade at all. Not quite sure what I was thinking there. The workaround is to go to and download a fresh 9.4 installer. It will replace your 9.2.7 with the 9.4 build. Once done you'll have the better updating code.


    Bob Cook ( Director, Software Development

  • Thanks very much for that, everything working this morning - like magic :) Will upgrade - thanks again for response.
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