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Could not connect to primary server.

Have had this on two devices this morning both IMac and Mac Book both running OS X 10.10.5  Just get a shield with a cross in the middle.  Can anyone help please - are the Sophos servers down.



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  • Hi - still getting timeout error - could not contact primary server - on two separate devices MacBook & IMac so not a software problem - I can see from the log that the last time Sophos connected was at midnight last night when it looks as if it was working fine.. Have changed router - rebooted devices - run repair disk permissions - been in touch with ISP who say no problem their end. Only thing left is a problem with the Sophos server. Please can someone get back to me as this is driving me nuts.

    Thank you very much

  • Hi - still getting timeout error - could not contact primary server - on two separate devices MacBook & IMac so not a software problem - I can see from the log that the last time Sophos connected was at midnight last night when it looks as if it was working fine.. Have changed router - rebooted devices - run repair disk permissions - been in touch with ISP who say no problem their end. Only thing left is a problem with the Sophos server. Please can someone get back to me as this is driving me nuts.

    Thank you very much

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