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High CPU usage - SophosConfigD

This process is consuming lots of CPU time. Especially during the 5-6 minutes after login, I found my Mac Mini slows to respond. I have upgraded to SSD so the slow down is quite obvious.

My current system uptime is 13hrs, SophosConfigD is clocked at 24:47:51.17! It is the ONLY  process taking up so much cpu time. (c.f. 2nd most is firefox at  10:26.29 only!).

I have Mac Mini Mid2010, 8GB and 1TB Crucial runnning High Sierra, SAV for Mac standalone Home Edition 9.6.5.

On a side note, I have been running SAV for Mac for past years and never seems to have any problem. I did uninstall it recently to try out SAV Home for Mac but I didnt like its user interface.  So I uninstalled SAV Home and reinstall classic. I did use removal tool every time.

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