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How to install Sophos anti virus for Linux

Hi everybody,

Brand new to Linux I need some help to install Sophos anti virus for Linux.

I just downloaded the file named sav-linux-free-9.tgz but the size looks to me very big (539.9 Mb)

I downloaded in the downloading file but I don't know how to change it in a temporary file and I don't know how to untar the file  I come from Windows and this is like chinese to me.

Somebody can give me the clear steps to follow for installing it.

Thanks to everyone.

Have a good day

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  • FormerMember
    +1 FormerMember in reply to gibor tov


    Please take a look at this

    Regards Meghan

  • Hi Meghan,

    Thank you for your answer.

    The explanations that I found on the link are the same than in the installation guide.

    But for installation of the standalone version it says in point number7: "When prompted for the type of auto-update you require, select Sophos. Enter the username and password that are included with your licensing documentation. (Note: these are not your MySophos credentials and can be found with your licensing information when you ordered/renewed with Sophos)".

    But this is the free version I don't have any username neither password..What should I do??

    Other point:

    I am on Linux Mint 18.2 as a new user of this OS I asked on the Linux mint community and they responded me the following:

    "For starters you have to know that under Linux Mint as on other distributions the software does not install like that. There is a package system to follow. Under LM they are .deb packages, and most often available via repositories that list the packages available at the installation.

    Tar.gz is an archive format, it is not a format compatible with the management of software under Linux Mint.
    By installing software from a .tar archive you do not know if there will be a conflict or incompatibility with the system. Troubles start like this, so do not do it especially for a beginner."

    When I installed it and made a scan I had 145 errors on a brand new OS...

    So I uninstalled it.

    How do I install Sophos without problems or system incompatibility knowing that the the software manager on Linux Mint 18.2 doesn't propose Sophos antivirus for Linux??

    Thank you for your answer.


  • "When I installed it and made a scan I had 145 errors on a brand new OS..."

    Please show us the command you used to run the scan. Also, you should not do this as sudo.
  • I have just installed version 9.14.0 on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (another clone of DEBIAN).  To answer some of your questions :

    1.  I am also using the free version and as you go through the installation, there is a question "Are you using supported or free version" - assuming you actually choose the free version, it picks up the "free version" username and password automatically.

    2.  The 145 errors on the brand new OS do not imply that you have a virus or threat, or that there is a problem with the OS.  The errors will occur on files that the process cannot read, because they are references to hardware devices, or other system files.  I had also errors - many of which were because the file could not be opened (permissions denied or device file).  If you can identify a set of exclusions (items that the AV software shouldn't scan because they are system control/hardware device files - this will make your scans clean eg:

    savscan / -exclude /var/lib/lxcfs /dev /proc

    The comment about using .deb packages is correct in general, in this case the tar file contains install scripts to handle multiple Unix/Linux OS installations (Ubuntu/suse/debian/Solaris etc) and is self contained in it's dependencies, hence in this case the tar file is a way to bundle all of this together, then run the