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Honor 5c because of Sophos locked?

I hope that someone can help me.
There was more than a week ago a device update for the Honor 5C.In the middle of this week, there was a correction, because the voices in video calls did not sound right.
When I had the 2nd Update installed, I came up with the idea in the Sophos mobile security to check whether all settings are still okay.
Before I had the problem, that my WLAN was not safe enough. That was the only point.
But now 2 more points are displayed in red. The one I know no more, because I could fix immediately.
And the other concerned some password - in my opinion for the screen lock. I have always entered my existing one, but Sophos did not want to accept it. It always remained red.
Then I have come to the stupid idea to make my mobile phone off + on again. This is what I do when I want to empty the memory.
And now I'm no longer come in my mobile phone! It requires a PIN for the device restart. My PIN for the screen lock it does not want. This has always worked, but it apparently has nothing to do with this PIN for the device restart.
So, now it goes on. On the Internet is that you can unlock your mobile phone again if you lock it from Google. So I blocked with Google my phone.
Yes, the account query comes, but after the PIN for the device restart! My SIM card query comes first. The SIM I can unlock, but that helps me nothing... Now my mobile phone is also double locked!
It says that after 5x lock, the Google query comes, but I'm locked only one hour + then I have 3 new attempts to enter the password
Can someone please help me? On the phone are pictures of my mom just before her death. I can not reset the phone to the factory settings!
And never let your mobile phone be blocked by Google's Android Device Manager if you've just misplaced it. I have not found a way to remove the Google lock. There is nothing in my settings in the Google Account or Playstore + I have not even found a contact form where I could ask.
But now back to Sophos. Who have to contact if someone lost her/his phone + want to use the Loss & Theft function of Sophos? Maybe Sophos can remove this lock, but where do I have to go?
The other way that it could be blocked, also has to do with Sophos. I have my apps protected by Sophos by password. This password has letters + numbers.
Now I've considered, maybe he wants this password also for the device restart. But I can not enter letters with the keyboard! They are deposited with the numbers, but they do not come when I press longer or with more consecutively.
If it is, how do I get back in?
Thanks Daniela
PS: The man from the Honor hotline could not help me either. He wanted only the factory settings.

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