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Problem downloading UTM home edition

Hi, my name is Manuele and I'm Italian.

I've a problem downloading the software 'UTM Home edition". I have compiled the form but I haven't received any confirmation mail. I have tried 5 times. For email addresses I used my Gmail mail. I' have checked also my spam folder... But nothing...

Can someone help me?

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  • I'm having the same issue. Spoke to Cody in chat and he claims they are working on fixing it....


    Not sure what the hold up is...

  • Yes I have the same problem.  It asks for a business email, but I used my Gmail.  I spoke to someone about it and she gave me the same answer "working on a fix".  I get the feeling they don't want to push this free product anymore.  Or just trolling for business emails to get more sales. This was a month ago. 

  • I found this solution:

    Here you can download the software (there are 2 version: for appliance and for othere pc; i'have choose the second beacuse ai have a my own pc with 2 NICs)

    its about 1GB

    The go to

    Login or create a new account

    When done you can create your home license (i dont't remeber the steps but is esasy).

    Well you can now install the programm

    If are you using a memory stick and receive the "install.tar" error douiring the installation, you can solve it following this easy guide:

  • Thanks for the steps! 

    I managed to register a license, but cannot download the iso.

    When i try your link and then click on the corresponding UTM product it redirects me to the dis-functional US form that i am having trouble with. They must have changed the process.

    Does anyone have a direct link?


    UPDATE: Tried the form again and this time it actually worked!! Maybe its a different form (domain looks the same) or not, either way i am downloading it. 

    THANKS Manuele!

  • You're welcome.

    I want to specify one thing:

    I have not tried to activate the license for 2 reason:

    I still expecting the dedicated hardware (another mini-pc) so I don't want to risk to waste the license (that now is valid for 4 years) installing it on a temporary pc. The second reason is that when you install it, you have 30 days trial with all feature full working without insert any license .

    Now I have another problem. When I changed the language of the software a wasn't able anymore to access to web page of setting. It just ask me username and password but nothing happen. I've tried also with a wrong password ma the result is the same. No error message or nothing else!

    Anyway I happy to help the other!