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New free AV installation on Ubuntu 14.04

 I have today installed the free Linux version Sophos. At the end of the installation it reported that it was Unable to execute scan  because the useful life of  scan has been exceeded. It then proceeded to do a quick scan with this result:


Could not open /usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avr/lib/cups/backend/serial

1646748 files scanned in 3 hours, 37 minutes and 52 seconds.
3731 errors were encountered.
No viruses were discovered.

Most of the errors were because files could not be opened. Many because .wine is being accessed.  Some also had errno is 13 appended to the file name in the Terminal report.

"sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev" reported that I have the newest  version installed. 

  1. How do I settle the errors encountered?
  2. Why the useful life failure when I have the latest version installed

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