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Time Machine still giving you problems with the classic Home Edition?

Hello everyone,

The engineering team has been working hard on improvements for Time Machine compatibility, and many people have reported success but not everyone. We have a new version we'd like to have you test. This is a "preview" of an upcoming release in the new year.

This only applies to the "classic" Home Edition, not yet for the new Sophos Home product (a full update for that product will be coming soon too). If the Sophos shield menu About panel says "Sophos Anti-Virus Home Edition version 9.5.4" you can try out this preview.

Activating the preview requires a small amount of work with editing a configuration file. Edit the file "/Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/sau.plist” (you need to do it with administrative rights e.g. sudo). When you edit that file change the word “RECOMMENDED” to “PREVIEW” (without quotes) on line 6. The file should look like this when you have saved it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Sophos Anti-Virus Home</string>

After you have edited the file do “Update Now” from the shield menu. Your endpoint will download ~20mb or so of new software and install 9.6.1b2 for you. You should reboot your Mac at the first opportunity, in order to activate the new kernel extension.

If you change the sau.plist file again to say “RECOMMENDED” instead of “PREVIEW” it will downgrade you to the regular version.

Very interested and eager to hear your feedback. Please post your experiences here in this thread.

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