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Threat detected but doesn't show in Quarantine Manager

Hi, SAV detected Troj Agent ANUC and displayed a message stating this.  When I opened Quarantine Manager, however, there was no threat listed for me to clean up.  (I have cleaned up other threats in the past, so I know in a general way how to do this.)  I am afraid whatever this trojan is, it may be stopping the SAV from working properly to clean it.  However, it looks like Troj Agent ANUC is a Windows virus, so I don't know how it could mess up my Mac SAV.  My system info and version of SAV are pictured in the attachments, but basically Yosemite OS X 10.10.3, SAV 9.2.7.  Any help appreciated greatly.


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  • I too have the same problem — or at least a similar one… 

    Mac OS X 10.11.4 (El Capitan), Sophos Anti-Virus Home Edition version 9.4.2.

    On at least two different occasions, almost immediately after booting-up the computer, SAV detected a threat, but the quarantine window did not show any files that could be cleaned up. Unfortunately, I did not write down the name of the threat found, and there is no record of it in the logs (as far as I can see). On subsequent reboot there is no warning.

    I am concerned that whatever it is may have hidden itself in the system or deleted itself after doing some unknown damage…

  • I too have the same problem — or at least a similar one… 

    Mac OS X 10.11.4 (El Capitan), Sophos Anti-Virus Home Edition version 9.4.2.

    On at least two different occasions, almost immediately after booting-up the computer, SAV detected a threat, but the quarantine window did not show any files that could be cleaned up. Unfortunately, I did not write down the name of the threat found, and there is no record of it in the logs (as far as I can see). On subsequent reboot there is no warning.

    I am concerned that whatever it is may have hidden itself in the system or deleted itself after doing some unknown damage…

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