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Hello. I recently found the virus Mal/Generic-S on my mac. I see that it is a type of spyware. Should I worry about it steeling information from my mac? or does it only affect Windows?

Hello. I recently found the virus Mal/Generic-S on my mac. I see that it is a type of spyware. I checked on Sophos's website and saw that it only affects Windows. However I was wondering if the name "Mal/Generic -S" refers to a specific virus or to a family of viruses? If it refers to a family of viruses, then should I be confident it only affects windows computers?

Also, in the past, I'd synchronize my iPhone with my macbook.  should I worry about this virus affecting my iPhone or possibly spreading by using my iPhone as a harborer?

Thanks a lot. Regards.

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  • if the virus only affects windows operating systems then your mac should be fine unless you have any microsoft software installed(Word, Powerpoint, Excel, etc)

    in terms of the syncing of you phone to your computer i don't believe your iPhone is infected, as you would have to directly repeat what you did on your computer in order to have the same virus

  • Hello, SebasT.

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    Thanks a lot.  

    I do have the mac version of microsoft office, but those are just applications made by microsoft for Apple computers, they are not the Windows operating system.  So would me having Word, PowerPoint and Excel  still be an issue? 


  • i hear that it could be an issue with windows-related malware and other viruses, and others say it won't affect your operating system at all

    if you already scanned, found, and quarantined the spyware then all is done and you should be fine
    you could also use Malwarebytes for Mac to do a quick scan for any other spyware/adware that may not have been caught

  • Thanks a lot. 

    Is it safe to run both MalwareBytes and Sophos at the same time? (I know sophos specifically just looks at viruses, while it seems like malwareBytes searches for all types of malware).


    Fadil Ali

  • you can use Malwarebytes for Mac alongside an antivirus; its actually recommended and Malwarebytes is more of a quick scan helper tool than an on access AV

    i use Malwarebytes for quick scans every now and then and have Sophos for on-demand protection and monthly full scans

  • Thanks a lot.

    I just downloaded MalwareBytes for free and did a quick scan.  I am currently using Sophos antivirus (latest version: 9.5.2 .. idk if that's different  from Sophos on-demand or so) through my university, so would I get all the robust protection that Sophos has to offer?.  You've been a great help, Sebastian.  

    Also have you ever gotten the message "Sophos Antivirus as stopped running"?  I got the message while it was doing some scans (and the scans were still continuing).  I checked my default preferences to see if they were still on and everything remained (like the On-Access scanner is still on, among the other default settings).  

    So do i really have an issue with that message? 

    Thanks a lot for all of your help.


    Fadil Ali.

  • glad i was able to help :)

    in terms of the "Sophos Antivirus as stopped running" message how exactly did you receive it?(I use Sophos Home instead of Shoos AV for Mac)
    you could PM an admin or staff member on the forums and hope they can respond with a solution but i would suggest making an additional forum on the issue to see if others will address it as well