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Sophos Home Edition version 9.5 Preview

The engineering team for Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac is happy to announce the availability of a preview of our next significant release for Home Edition. You can download this installer directly from our site using this link:{8579BC43-753D-48D0-8C74-60593FEB7097}

Follow that link, accept the EULA, run the installer. It will automatically upgrade an existing 9.4 installation to version 9.5 if required. Your existing settings will be preserved during the upgrade.

This update improves stability and performance. No new features, but it addresses issues reported here in the forum and from our business customers.

NOTE: this version requires Mac OS X 10.8 or newer. It will not install and will not run on Mac OS X 10.6 or 10.7.

Now for the FAQ:

  • Is this the same as Sophos Home? No this is the "classic" Home Edition. The team working on Sophos Home will be incorporating this new version into their product in the coming months.
  • What does Preview mean? We aren't yet releasing this to all users. We want to get your feedback first, from willing volunteers. Once we are satified this release is good enough for everyone we'll automatically upgrade to this version.
  • Should I reboot after installation? Not required immediately but doing so will purge the old kernel drivers from memory.
  • Any new features? Not really. This release contains a full rewrite of the on-access scanning subsystem to improve system stability and reduce overall memory usage. This release also runs the content scanner as an unpriviliged user, same as the web scanner in the past, as security best-practice. You may notice scheduled scans or scanning from the Finder is snappier though.
  • Is it safe to run? You've tested it, right? Yes this release has passed our internal quality assurance process. We have been running this version internally for a while now, it has proven quite stable.

Please post any issues you have, we definitely want to hear about your experience as soon as possible. Thank you!

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  • Problem: the link above does not automatically parse (just gets underlined when clicked, but does nothing), so copied it and, after filling out the Software Export Compliance form (is all that really necessary?--never encountered that anywhere except at Sophos), DL'd the zip, which, when opened, contains the 9.5 app, savi.bundle and av-data. Moved the app to /Applications, and when asked, replaced the 9.4 app with the new 9.5. Continued with the install, but got a message that the installer couldn't continue. Looked in the install.log, where I'm seeing that it's missing the savi.bundle. Tried putting that bundle in /Applications, but that doesn't help. Could try to move it somewhere into Package Contents, but not really sure what to do with it or where it belongs. And not sure what to do with av-data.

    Bottom line, your instructions say just follow that link, accept the EULA and run the installer, but doesn't appear to be so simple.

    EDIT: I've restored everything the way it was before moving the 9.5 to /Applications and replacing the 9.4.

  • Hello,

    I think you missed the point of the download - its an installer. After you download it, please run it (don't just drop it into your /Applications folder - that won't actually upgrade anything).


    Bob Cook ( Director, Software Development

  • What do I run for the install, the app or the installer components? If it's the latter, it moves the app into /Applications?


    Ran the app. It worked. Thanks

Reply Children
  • Run the thing that is named "Sophos Anti-Virus Home Edition". It requires the folder of things named "Sophos Installer Components" and will refuse to run if its missing or damaged.


    Bob Cook ( Director, Software Development

  • Posted above. Running the app from within savosx_he_p folder ran the installer, which worked just fine. Looking forward to no more CPU consuming Intercheck. You did say that was gone now, right?

    Suggestion: to avoid confusion such as I experienced, might be an idea to rename Sophos Anti-Virus Home to or have the whole thing show up as a package installer? Or at least a ReadMe?