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Home version for Mac sending out data?

I caught Sophos Mac Home having sent out 150MB of data. Is this program intended to send out any type of information? If so, what is being sent out?

I've removed the software for now. 


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  • Thanks Bob.

    That makes it clearer now what's happening and what OSX Activity Monitor Networking is actually showing me in the summary & graph at the bottom (which isn't what's going in and out of my computer but just a sum of all the ins and outs for all processes - and that isn't very useful at all, as processes like SophosWebIntelligence are middle men sending to other processes).

    Thanks for your quick responses too. 

  • Thanks Bob.

    That makes it clearer now what's happening and what OSX Activity Monitor Networking is actually showing me in the summary & graph at the bottom (which isn't what's going in and out of my computer but just a sum of all the ins and outs for all processes - and that isn't very useful at all, as processes like SophosWebIntelligence are middle men sending to other processes).

    Thanks for your quick responses too. 

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