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Hitman Pro scans file as trojan in one place but not another

I downloaded and ran Hitman Pro on my Windows 10 laptop and it told me that one file was a trojan. Fine, except that I happen to have that file in two different directories, so why is it a trojan in one, and not in the other? Or does Hitman Pro not scan all of my directories?

The file in question is called meson.exe and is a FOSS tool for building software. The windows executable admittedly can look a bit dodgy as it's a wrapper to execute the Python scripts that comprise the Meson build system. Malwarebytes for a while detected it via their AI-based scanner but that has stopped.

Hitman Pro also detects the FIreEye Capa tool as malware, which you could see from the attached screen capture if I were allowed to upload it, but it seems I'm not allowed. I'm pretty sure this is a false positive.

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