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Trouble running manual savscan, AV for Linux free version, Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS desktop

Hello All,

I am running Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS desktop and am giving the AV for Linux free version a try. I was able to successfully install the software             (v 9.16.2), and both savd and savscand run on boot. Running savdstatus in /opt/sophos-av/bin returns "Sophos Anti-Virus is active and on-access scanning is running". Manual updates seem to work too, with savupdate returning "Successfully updated Sophos Anti-Virus from sdds:SOPHOS". My problem is I can't run a manual scan using savscan. When I try to run savscan, it returns "Error: Unable to locate SavForLinux installation directory". I installed the AV software on a 2nd Ubuntu machine that I have, and it behaves identically to the first installation. I tried searching the forum for this error, but it returns only a few results that didn't provide a solution. Any help to resolve this would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if any additional information would be helpful.

Thank you.

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