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sweep error: Error initialising detection engine - missing main virus data


I installed Sophos 9 on Debian 10. Anything seems to work except sweep. When I call it I get an error:

Error initialising detection engine - missing main virus data

It happens even when I specify the directory for ide files on command line:

root@server /opt/sophos-av # /opt/sophos-av/engine/sweep -idedir=/opt/sophos-av/lib/sav .

Error initialising detection engine - missing main virus data

I tried to install the same package on a Suse system. It works without any problems.

The directory /opt/sophos-av/lib/sav exists, I can read anything inside. What is wrong here?

Bye and thanks for help


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  • Hello Torsten,

    Anything seems to work
    [everything, isn't it?] is On-Access enabled and savscand running? What's the output of savdstatus, and does savupdate –v5 complete without error? AFAIK main virus data refers to the library (files with the .vdb extension) and not the IDEs. If you use savscan instead of sweep (same command, just different names) do you get the same error?


  • Hi Cristian,

    thanks for your reply. "anything" should be "everything", sorry for my poor english.

    The hint with avupdate –v5 is the solution, sweep is running now.

    Thanks and bye


Reply Children
  • Hi,

    I was too fast with my statement. It did not depend on the update, it depends on a wrong call. Have a look on the following:

    root@server ~ # which sweep
    root@server ~ # sweep .
    SAVScan virus detection utility
    Version 5.63.0 [Linux/AMD64]
    Virus data version 5.75, May 2020
    Includes detection for 50721749 viruses, Trojans and worms
    Copyright (c) 1989-2020 Sophos Limited. All rights reserved.

    System time 07:17:21 PM, System date 08 June 2020

    IDE directory is: /opt/sophos-av/lib/sav

    Using IDE file steal-up.ide


    Using IDE file msil-owv.ide
    Using IDE file lokib-ge.ide

    Quick Scanning

    28 files scanned in 4 seconds.
    No viruses were discovered.
    End of Scan.

    root@server ~ #
    root@server ~ # find /opt/sophos-av/ -name 'sweep'
    root@server ~ # /opt/sophos-av/engine/sweep
    Error initialising detection engine - missing main virus data
    root@server ~ #

    The amavis configuration template includes a notice to look for the right sweep utility, there could be a conflict with another tool with the same name.

    I had a look, found the tool in /usr/local/bin, and I felt it's better to call it directly from /opt/sophos-av. It would be conflict save for the future too.

    I found it, called it and the error appeared.

    For me it looks like an internal or obsolete tool now, /usr/local/bin/sweep is a link to savscan. sweep in /opt/sophos-av/engine is not in the PATH.

    Sorry for confusing.

