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[sophos-av] Installation aborted on Ubuntu 19.10


I tried to install Sophos-AV on Ubuntu 19.10, but without success,i have the following error message

Installation completed.
Installation aborted.
global name 'sys' is not defined"

 when i try install with debug i get the trace below

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 27, in main
  File "", line 123, in action
  File "", line 408, in __install
  File "", line 434, in postCleanInstallActions
  File "", line 537, in __checkSavd
  File "", line 243, in runSavdstatus
  File "", line 102, in run
  File "", line 426, in __loadLocalisation
  File "", line 88, in __saveException
NameError: global name 'sys' is not defined

someone has an idea to solve the problem, in the system requirement the supported distributions is 18.04 LTS but it seem to be a python issue.


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