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UTM Full-Setup - Beginner Problems (thankful for any help! :-) )

Hi Firewall Geniuses,

i want to learn about sophos firewall for a project.
I need to setup my UTM firewall and make an site-to-site (SSL) connection to another network.
I have bought/rented a static IP Adress from my provider.


My setup is as follows:

Alcatel Linkhub Hh40v 4G Wlan Router

PC with 2 network-cards (Sophos UTM Home installed)

- eth0: internal
- eth1: external

Router with SIM-Card -> Firewall -> direct connection to PC
(might be purchasing a switch later this week)


My Questions:

First Steps:

1) - Should the Hostname be the external static IP-Adress that my provider gave me?

2) - Do i have to connect the Firewall to the WAN Port on the Router?
(the Router has 2 Ports: WAN-Port and LAN1 Port)

3) - Do i have to set the eth1 as Internet Uplink (WAN)?
- What do i have to enter at "Internet uplink type"?
- Should i enter my external static IP-Adress, Subnet-Mask and DNS from my Provider?


For a Pro these will be easy questions, like i said i am learning and i need a functioning base to get
this started.

All help is appreciated!

Thank you!

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  • Hi  

    Welcome to Sophos Community!

    First of all, if you would like to know UTM extensively, please read the Rulz post, it will help you avoid lots of mistakes people make while using UTM. Now coming back to your questions,

    1) - Should the Hostname be the external static IP-Adress that my provider gave me?
    > If you have a DNS name purchased, configure it to point to your static IP address and use that DNS name as the hostname of the device. However, you can set an IP address as a hostname.

    2) - Do i have to connect the Firewall to the WAN Port on the Router? 
    > Well, WAN port of the route is where you connect your ISP's port. So you should configure Firewall to the LAN port of the router which should allow it to get an IP address from the DHCP of your router.

    3) - Do i have to set the eth1 as Internet Uplink (WAN)?
    - What do i have to enter at "Internet uplink type"? 
    - Should i enter my external static IP-Adress, Subnet-Mask and DNS from my Provider?
    > If you want to specify the static IP address from your ISP, you should connect the ISP cable directly to the WAN port of the Firewall.

    To make things easier, please refer to any of the configuration videos on YouTube. There are many such videos, but I found this more easy to understand.

    Hope this helps.



  • Hi  

    Welcome to Sophos Community!

    First of all, if you would like to know UTM extensively, please read the Rulz post, it will help you avoid lots of mistakes people make while using UTM. Now coming back to your questions,

    1) - Should the Hostname be the external static IP-Adress that my provider gave me?
    > If you have a DNS name purchased, configure it to point to your static IP address and use that DNS name as the hostname of the device. However, you can set an IP address as a hostname.

    2) - Do i have to connect the Firewall to the WAN Port on the Router? 
    > Well, WAN port of the route is where you connect your ISP's port. So you should configure Firewall to the LAN port of the router which should allow it to get an IP address from the DHCP of your router.

    3) - Do i have to set the eth1 as Internet Uplink (WAN)?
    - What do i have to enter at "Internet uplink type"? 
    - Should i enter my external static IP-Adress, Subnet-Mask and DNS from my Provider?
    > If you want to specify the static IP address from your ISP, you should connect the ISP cable directly to the WAN port of the Firewall.

    To make things easier, please refer to any of the configuration videos on YouTube. There are many such videos, but I found this more easy to understand.

    Hope this helps.



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