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Sophos UTM Essential Firewall, VPN client limitations, IP address client limitations

Good day everyone.

I used to drive an SG330 from a former employer and really liked the product/interface. I have recently taken charge of a small office and am trying to convince my principals in acquiring an SG125. As part of this, I am interested in trying out Sophos UTM Essential Firewall. This also serves as temporary solution as even if we buy today, any appliance is around 40-60 days away as we are a 3rd world country with crappy customs service.

-Is there a VPN client limit? I only need 10 actually.

-Is there an IP address limit for client computers and laptops if I enable DHCP?

-Is there a Windows 10 VPN client in the user portal?

-Is there a Mac VPN client in the user portal?

-Is the interface XG or SG? 

Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask these questions. Our local Sophos distributor was not really helpful.

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  • Hi  

    Sophos UTM Home Edition features full Network, Web, Mail and Web Application Security with VPN functionality and protects up to 50 IP addresses. You'll need to remember the limit of 50 IP addresses very carefully because that will be counted based on every IP connection accepted by the UTM. I'll 

    -Is there a VPN client limit? I only need 10 actually.
    > Yes, you'll be able to use 10 VPN client.

    -Is there an IP address limit for client computers and laptops if I enable DHCP?
    > Yes, as I mentioned earlier, 50 IP addresses.

    -Is there a Windows 10 VPN client in the user portal?
    > SSL VPN client works well with Windows 10.

    -Is there a Mac VPN client in the user portal?
    > NO, we do not have a MacOS VPN client. However, you will get an .ovpn configuration file which you can use with applications like Tunneblick. Refer to this YouTube Video:

    -Is the interface XG or SG?
    > The interface is SG.

    Additionally, you can also use Sophos XG Firewall Home edition: All the answers are true as above for XG as well. There's no IP address limit in XG for Home edition. However, there is a resource limit of 4 cores and 6 GB of RAM.

    Hope this helps.

