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Antivirus for Linux on WebServer

Hi, I was wondering if I can use the Free Antivirus for Linux on my WebServer without having to buy a license.

It is for a small site that is run on hobby basis, so no profit form the site (some t-shirts sold to cover part of web hosting cost).
The use I was looking for was scanning of files users can upload (zip, pdf, doc, etc.) just so I can make sure I don't host viruses.

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  • Hello All about something,

    depends on how the application webserver behaves (it might or might not be ok if an uploaded file disappears from the directory), what you or the users do with the uploaded files, and whether you want the users to be informed when they upload some (potentially) infected file.
    scans the files both on open and close. Thus if something malicious is uploaded the close after write will trigger an alert (but the process writing it won't notice AFAIK). A subsequent open for read will fail though with access denied. The application must be able to handle this gracefully.


  • Thanks for pointing out caveats and how I should code the cms to handle a virus detections (read check after write).

    It is going to be fun playing with it and feeding it EICAR files for testing.