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Sophos for Linux savscan changes metadata of all scanned files


When I run savscan on my new debian machine, meta data of all scanned files is changed. See the following test:

root@test:/home/gaga# touch file
root@test/home/gaga# stat file
File: file
Size: 3 Blocks: 14 IO Block: 512 regular file
Device: 27h/39d Inode: 9259 Links: 1
Access: (0600/-rw-------) Uid: ( 1000/ sbrauss) Gid: ( 100/ users)
Access: 2018-12-26 08:04:42.717810020 +0100
Modify: 2018-12-26 08:04:42.717810020 +0100
Change: 2018-12-26 08:04:42.717810020 +0100
Birth: -
root@test/home/gaga# savscan -all -ss file
root@test/home/gaga# stat file
File: file
Size: 3 Blocks: 14 IO Block: 512 regular file
Device: 27h/39d Inode: 9259 Links: 1
Access: (0600/-rw-------) Uid: ( 1000/ sbrauss) Gid: ( 100/ users)
Access: 2018-12-26 08:04:42.000000000 +0100
Modify: 2018-12-26 08:04:42.000000000 +0100
Change: 2018-12-26 08:05:10.857406250 +0100

You can see that command stat reports that meta data of the file has been changed.

This is problematic for me as it prevents a backup program from running correctly, it is no more possible to make differential or incremental backups.

Is there an option to savscan that prevents it from modifying scanned files?




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