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The Sophos Shield is coloured Orange

The Sophos Shield is coloured Orange and when I click on it it says: Web Protection Disabled and Malicious Traffic Protection Disabled but when I check the Dashboard everything is on. Had this with Free as well as now with Premium. Anyone else experienced this?

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  • I was able to fix this issue on my own. I did a comparison of permissions between a working MacBook and the one having issues. On the working MacBook under /Library, there is a sub-directory called StagedExtensions. On the working MacBook, the permissions were as follows:

    drwxr-xr-x  4 root  wheel  restricted  128 Dec 10 03:45 StagedExtensions


    On the MacBook having the issue, the permissions were:

    drwxr-xr-x  4 root  wheel  -  1027 Dec 22 11:45 StagedExtensions


    I booted the MacBook into recovery mode and disabled SIP (csrutil disable).

    I then Booted the system and logged in as Administrator. I changed to /Library and ran the following command:

    sudo chflags -R restricted StagedExtensions


    I then booted the MacBook into recovery mode again and enabled SIP (csrutil enable).

    I then Booted the system and logged in and all is well, Sophos is working correctly.



    Mark K.

  • I was able to fix this issue on my own. I did a comparison of permissions between a working MacBook and the one having issues. On the working MacBook under /Library, there is a sub-directory called StagedExtensions. On the working MacBook, the permissions were as follows:

    drwxr-xr-x  4 root  wheel  restricted  128 Dec 10 03:45 StagedExtensions


    On the MacBook having the issue, the permissions were:

    drwxr-xr-x  4 root  wheel  -  1027 Dec 22 11:45 StagedExtensions


    I booted the MacBook into recovery mode and disabled SIP (csrutil disable).

    I then Booted the system and logged in as Administrator. I changed to /Library and ran the following command:

    sudo chflags -R restricted StagedExtensions


    I then booted the MacBook into recovery mode again and enabled SIP (csrutil enable).

    I then Booted the system and logged in and all is well, Sophos is working correctly.



    Mark K.

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