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Problem installing Sophos XG v17.1.2 - Firewall is not able to reach Licence System


I would like your help for the following issue. I'm trying to install the latest Sophos XG Home edition (SW-17.1.2_MR-2-225) on an miniPC. The installation wents well, but when I want to register the product via the portal page, I get an red cross in the check list: not able to reach Sophos Licensing System. (all other checks are ok (green)).

The miniPC is behind my current router and get's an DHCP lease on the WAN port (port2 of the miniPC). DNS is checked. I redownloaded the image file and reinstalled the ISO (installed via Rufus on USB).

Any help is appriciated


Thanx in advance.


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  • Do you have access to SSH? 

    Should be open for Port 22 on LAN ( 

    Use putty to access SSH. Then use the advanced Shell (Option 5 - 3). 

    Then check out the licensing.log (tailf /log/licensing.log) 

    Try it again and maybe send the log. 


  • Thanx ManBearPig for youre response. 

    I checked the log file and I got the following Errors;


    curl_easy_perform(60) failed: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates

    Licensing_do_activation(): Problem in contacting Server

    {"Status": "510", "statusmessage": "Operation failed due to an unknown error. Please contact support." }


    Based on these errors I found the following kb: KB132458

    Unfortunately the suggested solution didn't work out for me. In the given steps there's an action to copy another cert to the Original location. Is this a cert I need to get from support or something? 

    Furthermore I notice that the time and date in the error log is not current. Could that give some trouble? (and if so, where could I change these information?)


    Thanx for response!

  • Thanx ManBearPig for youre response. 

    I checked the log file and I got the following Errors;


    curl_easy_perform(60) failed: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates

    Licensing_do_activation(): Problem in contacting Server

    {"Status": "510", "statusmessage": "Operation failed due to an unknown error. Please contact support." }


    Based on these errors I found the following kb: KB132458

    Unfortunately the suggested solution didn't work out for me. In the given steps there's an action to copy another cert to the Original location. Is this a cert I need to get from support or something? 

    Furthermore I notice that the time and date in the error log is not current. Could that give some trouble? (and if so, where could I change these information?)


    Thanx for response!

  • You should select the correct time and timezone while wizard or in the Webadmin. This will most likely cause such issues. 


  • Well, that seemed to be the problem. After skipping the Welcome's page and setting the time/data within de Administration page, I could succesfully register my license. 

    It would be nice if the time setting had to be pre-configured within the startup-Wizard. It would then cause no problem while registrering. 

    Thanx for your support ManBearPig!