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'sweep' command installs itself into /usr/local and changes permissions, wreaking havoc on Homebrew

Sophos installs a sweep command into /usr/local/bin, and a few auxiliary files. Doing this, Sophos also changes ownership of /usr/local and several sub-directories. This wreaks havoc with Howebrew, which by default installs to /usr/local and expects it to be writable by the "main user". In general, /usr/local should not be used by non-user controlled installations.

A more polite way would be for Sophos to install its commands to /opt/sophos, and asking the user to and relevant paths if they wish to use the tools.

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  • Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to let you know that SAV 9.4.1 is now available, and includes the fix for this issue. Most endpoints should automatically receive the latest during their next update.

    If you have any issues please let us know, and thanks so much for your patience.