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How to lock a stolen or lost computer? uncle

Using Sophos Safeguard Version


I'm new to this forum and managing Sophos...I have searched the forums and documentation on how to lock a lost or stolen laptop. I have seen different methods; but all seem to lock out the current owner. How do I lock the hard drive and prevent anyone from login into the machine? I know it needs internet connectivity to receive the lock down signal. I want to make sure I'm doing it the proper way  once it has connected to the internet it locks down. 


Things I have tried going to the user and blocking them and removing them as owner, also tried setting up a policy but the documentation and forum post didn't go into details on how to apply it to a specific machine!


Thanks in advance! 

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  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Hi Francisco,

    Can you elaborate on exactly what you're trying to do? if the machine is lost/stolen nobody will be able to login without user credentials. They also won't be able to slave the drive to another machine as it will be encrypted. What exactly is the concern, are you thinking about a user who has left with their own machine?

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Hi Francisco,

    Can you elaborate on exactly what you're trying to do? if the machine is lost/stolen nobody will be able to login without user credentials. They also won't be able to slave the drive to another machine as it will be encrypted. What exactly is the concern, are you thinking about a user who has left with their own machine?
