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Data on encrypted drive, corrupted OS

So, I have an encrypted laptop from a user that has completely died. It was hanging on the windows loading screen after POA, but now it doesn't even do that much, just errors out instantly after POA. I can't boot into safe mode or anything.

I tried doing our SafeGuard administrator log on then booting off external media with pass through poa to windows unchecked, and booting off of a bootable Linux thumbdrive I have. This apparently doesn't decrypt the drive, however, as it appears to my Linux filesystem to still be encrypted. Trying to mount the main partition returns an invalid NTFS format error, and running a testdisk scan only brought up a lenovo backup partition (which is a discussion for another time, and a possible security hole... I'll dig into that more later.)

A coworker told me that we can use our enterprise console to create a recovery CD, but I haven't been able to find a KB that will help me with this process... Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction?


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