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Safeguard - Autologon.exe

 I am having some problems getting a user to by pass the sophos login screen. I am encrypting only bootable drives with bitlocker and most machines are doing great. We have a machine however that is not. The machine is using autologon.exe to login a kiosk user. When the user logins in they are getting prompted to login to the safeguard server box. I need this to stop and log the user in. How can I achieve this?

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  • Hi FB -


    Because Sophos SG doesn't know this user it will through up this authentication window. What you need to do is manually tell Sophos that this account is an authorised user.

    I don't think autologin is officially supported by Sophos though - it's a bit of a security risk to be honest but I can understand why you'd want to do it!

    You may find that because you've not logged in with the Sophos cog (the Sophos credential provider) that Sophos will never be quite happy but it may be worth trying this?

    On your console you'll have a container  ".Unconfirmed Users" for each "directory" (you may have set up workgroups or AD - both have this container) I'd assume the . is to make it appear right near the top!

    Open this container and find your unrecognised user. Right click it and select Confirm user.

    Refresh policies on the client and in theory I think that will make your unknown/unconfirmed user known and confirmed!

    I hope that helps? I can do screenshots if needed (I have v8)

  • Hi FB -


    Because Sophos SG doesn't know this user it will through up this authentication window. What you need to do is manually tell Sophos that this account is an authorised user.

    I don't think autologin is officially supported by Sophos though - it's a bit of a security risk to be honest but I can understand why you'd want to do it!

    You may find that because you've not logged in with the Sophos cog (the Sophos credential provider) that Sophos will never be quite happy but it may be worth trying this?

    On your console you'll have a container  ".Unconfirmed Users" for each "directory" (you may have set up workgroups or AD - both have this container) I'd assume the . is to make it appear right near the top!

    Open this container and find your unrecognised user. Right click it and select Confirm user.

    Refresh policies on the client and in theory I think that will make your unknown/unconfirmed user known and confirmed!

    I hope that helps? I can do screenshots if needed (I have v8)
